Operational Resiliency

The ability of organisations to plan, prepare for, adapt to and recover from business disruptions. Resiliency manages and mitigates risks across the value chain to enable businesses to deliver their critical services amidst disruptive events.

Approach to Operational Resiliency

With deep experience in operational risk management, and regulatory experience, We support organisations’ prepare for and implement CPS 230 Operational Risk Management. Our focus is end to end; operational resiliency is as much about prevention as it is recovery.

Operational Risk Management

The CPS 230 Operational Risk Management Prudential Standard, with its emphasis on   ‘operational resiliency’, strengthens the management of operational risk, response to business disruptions and management of risks associated with the use of service providers. Whilst CPS 230 will apply from 1 July 2025, APRA expects regulated entities to be ‘proactive in preparing for the new requirements in 2023 and 2024, demonstrating meaningful steps and staged progress in moving towards complying with CPS 230’.  

Services that we provide include:

  • Gap analysis against the CPS 230 Prudential Standard.

  • Facilitation/ development of target state and remediation plan. 

  • Assurance over solution design and or implementation. 

Business Cases

  • Why use a consultant?

    Access expertise when needed; op ex friendly model.

  • Implement the CPS 230 Prudential Standard

    Enhanced regulatory minimum standards in areas such as governance, risk management, business continuity, and management of service providers

  • Enhance CPS 230 Framework

    Comply with the new CPS 230 Prudential Standard